Specialists Articles

In-depth information written by specialists to increase your knowledge

Make your inheritance plans and take control

If you have property in Spain you will want to have arrangements in place so that everything goes smoothly when you die.

Beating Brexit with donations

As we move closer to the Brexit due date many British people are increasingly anxious about what to expect.

Making your wishes known

Most people are aware of the importance of making a will. Ensuring that those you love receive the inheritance you've worked for is recognised as one of those tasks we should do in good time.

Should I make a Spanish will?

Now, we interview our expert, María Wiedemann, from our Legal Department to find out just what the advantages are of making a will in Spain and what the disadvantages can be, if you don't.

Executors in Spain

In the UK it is very common to have an executor, ‘albacea’ or ‘contador partidor´, to help ensure that your wishes are carried out when you die.

The importance of making a will in Spain - protect your assets for inheritors

We are often asked if it is necessary to make a will in Spain. Although it isn't an essential requirement it is beneficial to do so and it can help your heirs when the time comes.

Thinking ahead when it comes to inheritance

It's not a subject that we like to talk about. However, not preparing for when you die can leave those you love with additional arrangements to make.

Don't let your inheritors get caught out

When a loved one dies that last thing you want is to struggle settling inheritance issues. Unfortunately, in Spain, the differences in procedures and laws can mean that inheritors have difficulty in managing the inheritance process.


Insc. Reg. Merc. Alicante, Tomo 2259, Libro 0, Folio 171, Sección 8, Hoja A-54957, Inscripción 1 - C.I.F. B-53402624

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