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Free Consultation

We invite you to a FREE consultation
with an inheritance specialist in your
native language, including:

  • A personalised assessment of your inheritance
  • A calculation of your inheritance tax
  • A cost estimate of the inheritance process
  • How to pay in installments

Consultation either at our offices, by e-mail or on the telephone

It is a difficult time and we understand that sorting out your Spanish inheritance
might not be top of your list of priorities.

However, there are some steps that it is important for you to take as soon as possible to safeguard your inheritance in Spain and meet the requirements of Spanish inheritance law.

Find out more information

The free consultation includes:

A personalised assessment of your inheritance

  • Introduction and overview of inheritance procedures in Spain
  • A check of the documents you need and what you have available
  • Clarification of what receiving your inheritance means for you
  • Clear, concise and sympathetic guidance
  • Information folder including the study of your inheritance situation

Your individual inheritance cost calculation

  • A calculation of your inheritance tax
  • A cost estimate for the inheritance process
  • Arrangements for staged payments


Insc. Reg. Merc. Alicante, Tomo 2259, Libro 0, Folio 171, Sección 8, Hoja A-54957, Inscripción 1 - C.I.F. B-53402624

Ábaco Asesores