Positive trends for inheritance and donation tax

Residents and non-residents inheriting or donating property in Spain used to be treated differently when it came to tax.

Leaving everything in order

If you have property in Spain you will want to have arrangements in place so that everything goes smoothly when you die.

Clearing up worries about Spanish inheritance

One of the questions that’s most frequently asked in our offices is – how much Spanish inheritance tax will I have to pay? We receive enquiries every week from the recently bereaved who are not only coming to terms with the death of a close relative but also the fact that inheritance in Spain can be a complicated and costly matter.

Spanish Inheritance tax near to disappear in Andalucia

Until recently residents and non-residents inheriting property in Spain were treated differently when it came to inheritance tax.

Making the decision - inheritance tax vs gift tax

Making sure your loved ones benefit from your hard-earned money is a priority for the majority. You can’t take it with you but it’s nice to have control over who you’re leaving it to.

A guide to Spanish inheritance

It might be uncomfortable to do, but it is important that you make plans that will help those you leave behind.

How much might the inheritance tax be?

If you have property in Spain you will be keen to ensure that your inheritors are not burdened with a large Spanish inheritance tax bill when you die.

The importance of making a Spanish Will

We recommend to all our clients that at some point they make a will in Spain to cover the bequeathing of their Spanish assets.


Insc. Reg. Merc. Alicante, Tomo 2259, Libro 0, Folio 171, Sección 8, Hoja A-54957, Inscripción 1 - C.I.F. B-53402624

Ábaco Asesores