Putting your Spanish will in order

Different countries have different rules about inheritance. For example, Spanish succession law requires that when someone dies two-thirds of the total inheritance must go to the children.

Avoiding double inheritance in Spain

Spanish inheritance often catches people unawares. Partly because it’s still something we’re uncomfortable in discussing and also because it can be quite complicated in Spain.

Different rates of Spanish inheritance tax

In Spain, the amount of Spanish inheritance tax to pay is determined by three things: the relationship of the inheritor to the deceased whether the deceased and inheritor(s) are resident or non-resident the autonomous community in which the property is located Depending on these factors, the amount of Spanish inheritance tax to pay can vary substantially.

Inheriting assets in Spain

The main item that any inheritor is likely to inherit is property. Spanish property is probably the biggest factor in the majority of Spanish inheritance cases.

Making the inheritance process cheaper and easier for your heirs

We all want to preserve as much as we can for our heirs and avoid leaving them with difficult issues to address.

Making a Spanish will

We recommend to all our clients that at some point they make a will in Spain. It is true that a will made in your home country can cover all your world wide belongings, including any you have in Spain.

Inheritance tax in Spain

It often comes as a surprise to foreigners with property in Spain that there is Spanish inheritance tax to pay when someone dies.

Spanish inheritance - every case is different

Spanish inheritance is a recurring worry for both residents and non-residents holding property in Spain.


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