National Law and Spanish wills

It’s easy to forget or not even realise that a country’s habits, laws and customs might not be the same as your own.

Spanish inheritance tax examples

How much might the inheritance tax be? Every case is unique. However, below are some case study examples to give you an idea of how much inheritance tax there might be to pay.

How inheritance tax applies in Spain?

Inheritance tax applies in Spain In some countries, inheritance tax only applies when there is a very large estate.

Spanish Wills

Why is it important? We recommend to all our clients that at some point they make a will in Spain.

Spanish inheritance made easy

In a way, this title is a contradiction. In some respects the Spanish inheritance process can never be made easy.

Spanish inheritance made easy

In a way, this title is a contradiction. In some respects the Spanish inheritance process can never be made easy.


Insc. Reg. Merc. Alicante, Tomo 2259, Libro 0, Folio 171, Sección 8, Hoja A-54957, Inscripción 1 - C.I.F. B-53402624

Ábaco Asesores